
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


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The one word that fills most of the seconds in my days..."tractor." Tractor used to be anything that was big and was moving. Now we have a truck, BIG truck, and "tractor" is saved especially for green and yellow machines that are located, it seems, around every turn. A few weeks ago Justin took Spence to "John Deere Days" with Papa Wayne and it could have possible been the highlight of his little life. Recently, Justin purchased his own "tractor" (a John Deere lawn mower). Now there is one in the barn at all times and that little man knows it. Justin swiped the keys so we don't look out the window one day and find him finishing up the lawn for us.
All of this said... I am sitting at my computer smiling, because I love my boys, I am so thankful they are healthy and they get excited about things, and they can express themselves, and run, and laugh... the list goes on. Justin and I share so many smiles and laughs just watching our kids learn about and delight in the things around them. God is so good.
Here are some pics from the day away.

He loves hanging out with his dad

Now he has the hat

Don't forget out me

Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Boys

Pin It Today I think I separated my boys 10 times from sitting on each other, pushing each other, kicking each other. Jackson has a new bump from every hit and Spence is showing some small signs of wear. They are only 22 months, and 10 months. Can this be possible? I am scared to think of what my future holds with a house full on teenage boys.
They are such a source of joy in my life, pushing and all. I can't imagine a minute without them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A pep talk

Pin It Do any other moms (and dads, not to disregard you from the blogging community) get scared some days that your kids are going to grow up wild and unruly?
What started as a good wake up call for me has turned into a slow growing fear that I might miss some key parenting strategies in raising my boys. If I just knew what those strategies were. I want to find the happy medium between being at the top of my game, a no nonsense mom, and loving them and understanding when they don't understand.
My first instinct is to grab a book read it front to back and start enforcing it tomorrow. While, I very well may need a little expert advice and that might be in my near future, I don't know why my first thought isn't to go to Christ. I learn so much about parenting while I spend time with him and hasn't he given me "everything I for life and godliness"?
Some times all you need is a good pep talk... from yourself.
"Krista, get in your word and ask God for what you need."
There, now listen to yourself.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trying to get it all done

Pin It Today I am feeling the effects of not being able to get it all together. I want to do so many things and then I get overwhelmed and struggle to do just one. I am satisfied most days if the boys, Justin and I are just alive at the end of the day. Sometimes I look around and think, "other people are doing it why can't I." I want to read 12 different books, always be caught up on my paperwork, and be on top of caring for my church family. I want to work out, eat less, sleep more... and some days I want to sleep less. I want to have 5 differnt families over, have coffee with friends, and sit and play with my boys for a hour. I want to hit my pillow at the end of the night and not have a huge roll-over list for the next day.
I know discipline is the key, but if I was a discipline person I wouldn't be having this problem.
I will have to be satified with the little victories... Bath time with the boys, prayers said kneeling by the couch, my husband happy with a good meal, one project completed, a neatly made bed, and no pee on the toliet. I guess it is just how you look at it.
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