
Saturday, November 7, 2015

We did HALLOWEEN...and survived

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Another great Halloween success! We are loving our tradition of participating in our churches Trunk or Treat.
Actually, the truth is, I struggle with whether to sign up every year. I don't want to wear a costume. I don't want to have to imagine how I will decorate my table. I don't want to go to church early and find child care for my little ones. I really just want to sleep and find a way to convince my kids that there was no Halloween this year...the cousins were lying...AND it's bedtime. YEA! So fun!
My family's tradition growing up was my parents dressing us up and taking us to the neighbors and some good friends’ houses. WE LOVED IT. I have so many good memories and I think it helped cultivate a love for family and spending time together. I really want to do THAT every year. Go visit a few people I know and like. I won't have to talk to anyone I don't know or make conversation! There are some older couples that love to see our kiddos and we like to have an excuse to stop in for a visit. It is very low pressure and easy. Plus, I would still be cultivating family which is one of our family goals. YES! Let's do that option.
This is why it is hard to be a parent, because sometimes there are more than one good option. Really, both would be pleasing to God because we have good motives. Visiting friends and loving on them while keeping myself sane not overdoing Halloween Vs. serving our community and being a part of what our church is doing. Both are good.
We chose Trunk or Treat this year for so many reasons:
1. It hard to describe the feeling you get when you see 200 people lined up waiting to get into church (even if it is for candy). AMAZING. It makes me imagine Heaven and people lining up to be with Jesus.
2. The kids love it. Trunk or treat is a tradition for them now and they look forward to it like I did our tradition.
3. We get to pray for our community and be a light for Christ. The days leading up to Trunk or Treat we pray for all the families that will pass through.
4. The focus gets taken off ourselves and what is fun for us. As we pass out candy we say "Happy Halloween, Jesus loves you." "Thanks for coming, Jesus loves you." The kids learn to share the love of Jesus instead of just focus on how cool their costume is and how much candy they get.
5. We still see a bunch of people we know and love and even more than we could by visiting. We miss a few special friends, but try to stop in afterwards to hit the few people we miss (if we aren't too tired).

I tried to tell myself to rally...I could sleep once these kids are gone.
 "Slap on that Wonder Woman t-shirt that looks like it would fit a teenager (ummm…I thought I ordered a medium, that must mean scandalously tight in Halloween costume sizing) and put a smile on your face. When they are grown and gone you can lock your doors and SLEEEEEEEEP."
NOPE. NOT HAPPENING. Idea crushed.
 I looked around and the other tables were filled with ROCK STAR volunteers who had no little ones or even big ones at home and they were sharing the love of Jesus and giving of their time. I want to be just like them when I grow up!

MOM THOUGHT: Sometimes we need to stay home and lock our doors (been there), but if we can be part of what someone else is doing and it pleases Jesus…get on that team…because it could be AWESOME.
 Nana had a table...she is so fun! Nana Bartlett was in the nursery. We have the most amazing parents.
 Superhero family, flexing, of course.

They were a little disappointed Penelope wasn't in it and that I didn't order her a baby hulk costume like they pleaded for, but they got everyone is happy

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