
Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Prep

Pin It Time has flow by the last few weeks. Justin is still busy with work and will be until next week, but I am also very busy with Christmas prep, sister's having babies, finishing up our wreath season, and pre-baby cleaning. My hubby doesn't know it, but I have painted the bathroom (had it painted actually, by my fabulous father-in-law) organized the office, hung pictures, organized our room and rearranged the basement. Since we only have 5 full weeks left until this new little one comes I am feelin' the pressure to have everything in order. We are also having this baby at home so I have to have all my supplies organized and the room prepped for whenever he or she decided to bless us with their presence.
I have a new niece, Nadia Maria, born to my sister Sarah and her hubby Chris. A little, healthy, chubby baby that is so beautiful and has me dreaming of holding our little one. My sister Maria is also due in 3 days and I am anxiously awaiting that arrival. What better prep for remembering Christ's birth than to have a few in the family?
Here are a few pics from our comings and goings the last few weeks.

Justin and I on a get-a-way to Chicago to see our trees on the "Christmas Ship"

Jackson smiling for a pic

Our little elf's

Spence walking around with my heels

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Pin It I love reading everyone else's blogs from Thanksgiving. They all seem to say it so much better then me. However, I am very thankful... and that will have to just be enough today.
We are very blessed here in the Bartlett household and it was nice to have a day just to think about what the Lord has really given us. I can get so caught up in the day to day that I lose sight of the big picture. Thank you Jesus for continuing to remind me of your generous hand upon our lives.
Justin has a DVD of Hillsong (the Australian music group) and as we watched that today I was reminded of all of God's precious children all around the world that have so much less then us. They had on statistics that said 30,000 children under 5 die every day from poverty. As a mom of 2 under five, soon to be three, that is a heart breaker. I am so thankful I can care for my kids don't live in fear that we won't be able to provide for their needs. I had a hunger building up in me today to teach our kids, every day of the year, to act out of a heart of gratefulness. I don't want selfishness, or pickiness, or unthankful hearts to take root in our home because it is not teaching them to be aware of God's other little gems who don't have anything. We can be content with so little and I want that to start with me.
What a great day. A time to reflect on God's blessings always pushes me towards changing my heart.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A day away with my hubby

Pin It Justin and I are quite different in many ways... one being, he is sporadic and I am not. He often gets big ideas and wants to do them right way, whereas I want to plan it, stew over it, then analyze it and probably end up coming to the conclusion that we shouldn't do it... for some reason. Thank the good Lord that I have realized this pattern, in our three short years of marriage, and begun see a idea coming and roll with it.
Saturday Justin got one of those ideas and decided we needed to go away for the night and spend some time together before he gets even busier. So... we headed to Traverse City for the night and had a blast just hanging out with each other. We ended up with a beautiful room on the bay, went out for a nice dinner, played games, snuggled and slept in, went shopping, and just enjoyed the fact that God so wisely gave us to each other. I will always smile when I think of this weekend and the fun memories that we made. Thanks babe. You are so fun and my life would be quite boring without you!

We became addicted to Yahtzee

Justin rolled four Yahtzee's in one game... he will never forget it

A perfect spot for some prego pics. 11 weeks to go.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Pin It The boys are in bed... and Justin is sleeping on the couch... and a I have a brief moment to catch up the blog. Novemember is here and it is VERY busy. Justin barely gets home before 8:00 and we run all day long. We have come to appreciate Sundays and being our only day of rest and we soak it up for all it is worth. Two weeks ago we took a trip to an indoor putt putt golf course and Justin started the boys on the road toward being golf professionals. And last week was Halloween and we had a blast taking the boys around to friends and family with there costumes on. We are loving our time together as family and each day getting more and more excited for #3 to be here to join our clan.
Other than that I am busy with changing diapers, instilling manners, teaching memory verses, reading sotries, wiping noses, gourmet coooking, and helping keep my husband healthy through his busy season. Justin has a few new job duties at the farm and is busy shipping 1/2 million trees in the next 3 weeks. Christmas is on the horizon and we are awaiting a slower season in life. For now we are eating, sleeping and working and praying we have the strength to get up tomorrow morning!

cuddle time

Hanging out with cousin David...sharing a bottle together

Halloween and lots of TREATS!

Dad helping Spencer with his swing

Jackson stealing balls and making this happen!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Recent Events

Pin It Here are a few pics of the lastest Bartlett adventures. We have been to visit Grandpa and Grandma Bartlett twice in the last few weeks. It was such a treat and the boys had such a good time with their great-grandparents.
The summer is gone and I am realizing that the boys are getting so big. I feel like they will be teenagers before I know it. They are such a blessing and I just can't get enough of them!

Visiting Great-Papa and Nana

Jackson giving a little kiss

Family time at the pumpkin patch



Brushing our teeth

Lovin' Life

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Big Helpers

Pin It If I have never said it before... I love where we live. I get overwhelmed by my garden and canning and freezing and picking, BUT, somehow, it energizes me as well. The corn is ready, the tomatoes are thinking about it, the zucchini is never ending and now there is an apple tree with millions of apples on it. So the boys and I tested out our apple tree today to see if they were even edible. I am very excited because I think it may be my ticket to a unlimited supply of applesauce and frozen apple slices (and a little sad thinking about the lack of sleep). So we picked, carried, and peeled just a few apples off our tree and the boys were so helpful.
Here is the photo journal for your viewing pleasure.

Gathering apples

Spencer was handing apples to Jackson because he couldn't get in the wagon

Making his way to mom

Yeah! He made it... with Spence hot on his trail

My apple pealing station

Observing my work

Snack Time!

A few other garden goodies

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tot Packs

Pin It I have a new passion that has developed in the last few weeks. School starting has given me the homeschooling fever (eventhough Spencer is only 2). I knew that there was some more productive things we could be doing with our precious time at home together. Something that was a little more structured and teach character skills and developmental skills at the same time. However, I didn't know what those things would be... everyone I knew that homeschooled had older kids. So I came across some great blogs of moms who are willing to share what they are doing. My sister Sarah, our friend Holly, and I are all making 5 bags (3 of each) and then swaping with eachother. I just got my first one done today and the rest of them are partially finished and spread haphazardly around the office. I can't wait to do these with Spence. I already tried this bag out on him and I got a good 1/2 hour of intense play out of him. I will post more pics as the other ones come along.

Each paper has 4 matching paperclips that can be slide on, piled on or just pushed around... whatever is fun for them

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forts and Summer

Pin It

I was looking through pictures on my camera today and I realized I better update any blog readers that I may have left on what we have been up too. The summer has been a blessing. Lots of family time, beach time, and smiles.
Justin and I have been married three years this summer and it is just starting to feel like we are falling into a bit of a summer routine. Fourth of July with the Bartlett's, days on the beach at my parents pond, weeding the garden, grilling out on the deck, having friends over, concession stand at the rodeo, and so much more. It has been a busy summer, but filled with so many great things. My heart can't help but be filled with gratefulness. Here are a few shots of the family.

Spencer always wants to build a "FORK"

One of our favorite places Mom and Dad Bartlett's

Working on a smile!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Haircuts and summer

Pin It Much like my blog, I have left the boys hair unattended for way to long. Here are some before and after pics.

Jackson's Long locks

He looked so much older with it cut

I must have missed Spencer's "after" picture. I think I was just glad the trama was over. That is why I wait so long, because he hates getting it cut so badly.
Here are a few more pic of the boys and I enjoying our wonderful backyard more than we could ever imagined. Thank to my wonderful husband for doing all the work!

Spencer wishing for a sandbox, but content with the flower bed

Jackson getting so big

A mask some cousins so kindly left behind

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Expecting Number Three

Pin It My two little ones are down for a nap and I am enjoying this moment that I have to reflect on our new addition. Little Bartlett #3 will be joining us the first part of the new year...January 27th, or thereabout. My greatest praise during this time is how much I am looking forward to this little one. I feel like the anticipation has grown with each child. I know it will be busy, I know it will be tiring, but I am not in that season yet and I am using the one I am in to prepare my heart with joy and thanksgiving.
Motherhood has been one of the Lord's greatest gifts in my life. It continues to pull me away from myself and closer to Christ. I struggle with new situations and thoughts everyday, but am continually being refined. I know this little one is just going to be another way Christ can reveal himself to our family.
Can wait to meet you baby Bartlett. We are all waiting.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Pin It I am so thankful today. The Lord has blessed our family so much. Little Jackson had a 104 fever last night, but we have so many resources at our fingers tips to help him get better. I can hardly think about the moms around the word that have to watch their babies suffer and can do nothing about it. It has to be hell on earth for a mom.
I am thankful I have a supportive husband who is concerned for our kids. I am thankful to have a warm house and another sibling to take his mind of being sick. I am thankful for a snugly little bed to lay him in. I am thankful to the Lord for saving me from a life of sin, so that I can live a life of gratitude.
Here or some pics from this week.




Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fence

Pin It My dear, dear (one "dear" if defintely not enough under the circumstances) husband is building me a fence for my backyard. This is #1 on my honey-do list. I have been wanting a fence since Spence started to practice his 400m dash. So we got a great deal on PVC fencing (one of my other dreams) and last Saturday was the day.
Our brother-in-law David kindly offered his fence expertise and the two of them worked at it from 7 a.m to 9:30 p.m.
Only the posts are in.
They seemed to experience a comedy of errors for the first half of the day. Thank the Lord I had a baby shower to go to. All I could do was pray for them from afar.
From their stories it seems like...
- the wrong fence was dropped off
- there was no more of the right fence
- they needed hinges for the gates ( I ran to Home Depot at 7 am)
- David forgot tools at his house and turned around twice to run back for things
- They had to call the electrtian to find the power line
- They tractor broke
- They went to four stores to find the part
- The store with the part was closed
- was raining
This is the great this about God... they both had such positive attitudes and we were all laughing about it and thankful for what did get done by the end of the day. It is truely only with the Lord's help that they were able to be so patient.
They are hopefully going to finish it up tonight, Lord willing. Then tomorrow I will be able to release the boys into their new outdoor home!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Pin It Whoa... I love and hate that word at the same time. I want to be the most discipline person on the planet and sadly it seems my dream never comes true. However, I am proud to say I am making baby steps. I look back at the last five years and I have defintley gained some ground and I hope the next five will prove even more sucessful.
My sister and I have been getting together to help each other be accountable to shed a few nasty pounds that keep (literally) hanging around. We have had good days and bad days, but over all we are feeling quite victorious, not only in our eating, but in our quiet times, exercise and the over all captians we are of our families. Thank you Lord for conviction, repentance, and prayer. He is teaching me those lessons over and over again.
The main thing I want to remember and encourage anyone else with the struggle of discipline (in any area) is GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You hate that you are doing something you don't want to do, or not doing something you know you should. Make a plan and make a change. And if that plan doesn't work perfectly, make some changes and keep on keeping on. If we never try to bring our yucky habits and slothfulness into obedience to Christ, it will never change.
So here is to another week of victory in Christ. To becoming a better mom, wife, and child of the King.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Family Pics

Pin It We had family pictures taken a few weeks ago. What a blessing to be able to capture our family as it grows. I am so thankful to have these to look back on. They tell so many stories about our boys and what funny and sweet personalities they have. I am enjoying each day with this group!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Pin It It is 8:40 at night and every one is in bed. Including Justin... that man... he somehow coaxed Spencer into sleeping in our bed with him. Spence would NEVER EVER EVER fall asleep with me. I love that it is something only Justin can get him to do. When I am at home with the boys all day I feel like I am awarded a lot of special moments, so it is nice to see.

We got home from Baltimore yesterday at 3:30 in the morning. My hubby and I went away for four nights just the two of us. Thanks to Mom and Dad Bartlettt and Aunt Alisa for watching the boys. It was a delight to spend that much time with my hubby. We had a booth set up to promote the fundraiser for the farm. We had about a 15 minute walk to the convention center from our hotel in the morning and it was beautiful out every day. We stayed right in the heart of dowtown, ate at a bunch of nice restuarants, went on a boat tour, went to the National aquarium, and the list goes on.

What really hit me hard during this trip was that I realized that if I didn't stay home I wouldn't have been able to go on this trip. I probably wouldn't have been able to take 4 days off, because I would be saving my vacation days for a family vacation or sick kids. I proably REALLY wouldn't have wanted to leave the boys because I would be gone from them so much already. I was able to bless my husband, by saying with my presence, your job is important, what you do is important and if I can come along side you in any way... I will.... I am on your team. He was so happy to show me what he does, talk about his work, and have me all to himself. And I am honored that he would rather have me go with him then anyone else!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Pin It
The one word that fills most of the seconds in my days..."tractor." Tractor used to be anything that was big and was moving. Now we have a truck, BIG truck, and "tractor" is saved especially for green and yellow machines that are located, it seems, around every turn. A few weeks ago Justin took Spence to "John Deere Days" with Papa Wayne and it could have possible been the highlight of his little life. Recently, Justin purchased his own "tractor" (a John Deere lawn mower). Now there is one in the barn at all times and that little man knows it. Justin swiped the keys so we don't look out the window one day and find him finishing up the lawn for us.
All of this said... I am sitting at my computer smiling, because I love my boys, I am so thankful they are healthy and they get excited about things, and they can express themselves, and run, and laugh... the list goes on. Justin and I share so many smiles and laughs just watching our kids learn about and delight in the things around them. God is so good.
Here are some pics from the day away.

He loves hanging out with his dad

Now he has the hat

Don't forget out me

Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Boys

Pin It Today I think I separated my boys 10 times from sitting on each other, pushing each other, kicking each other. Jackson has a new bump from every hit and Spence is showing some small signs of wear. They are only 22 months, and 10 months. Can this be possible? I am scared to think of what my future holds with a house full on teenage boys.
They are such a source of joy in my life, pushing and all. I can't imagine a minute without them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A pep talk

Pin It Do any other moms (and dads, not to disregard you from the blogging community) get scared some days that your kids are going to grow up wild and unruly?
What started as a good wake up call for me has turned into a slow growing fear that I might miss some key parenting strategies in raising my boys. If I just knew what those strategies were. I want to find the happy medium between being at the top of my game, a no nonsense mom, and loving them and understanding when they don't understand.
My first instinct is to grab a book read it front to back and start enforcing it tomorrow. While, I very well may need a little expert advice and that might be in my near future, I don't know why my first thought isn't to go to Christ. I learn so much about parenting while I spend time with him and hasn't he given me "everything I for life and godliness"?
Some times all you need is a good pep talk... from yourself.
"Krista, get in your word and ask God for what you need."
There, now listen to yourself.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trying to get it all done

Pin It Today I am feeling the effects of not being able to get it all together. I want to do so many things and then I get overwhelmed and struggle to do just one. I am satisfied most days if the boys, Justin and I are just alive at the end of the day. Sometimes I look around and think, "other people are doing it why can't I." I want to read 12 different books, always be caught up on my paperwork, and be on top of caring for my church family. I want to work out, eat less, sleep more... and some days I want to sleep less. I want to have 5 differnt families over, have coffee with friends, and sit and play with my boys for a hour. I want to hit my pillow at the end of the night and not have a huge roll-over list for the next day.
I know discipline is the key, but if I was a discipline person I wouldn't be having this problem.
I will have to be satified with the little victories... Bath time with the boys, prayers said kneeling by the couch, my husband happy with a good meal, one project completed, a neatly made bed, and no pee on the toliet. I guess it is just how you look at it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Pin It Meeting Chris and Holly
Spence relaxing in the car

Uncle Marty giving rides on the "tractor"

Spence and Dad hard at work

We got back last Sunday from a trip to Arizona and Denver. We went to Denver first for a trade show for Justin's work and then on the Arizona. My sister Alisa and her Hubby Marty were our traveling companions and a big help with driving and taking care of the boys. We saw one on my very best friends, Holly (love you dream) and met her hubby Chris for the first time. What a delight, it was a long time coming. We hadn't seen each other since Justin and I got married. Then a 13 hour drive from Denver to AZ and we were at My mom and Dad's for a week. We went to the Zoo, horse races, spent time with cousins, climbed a moutain and came home wore out from our vacation. We loved, loved, loved spending time together as a family and the boys were delighted to spend so much time with there dad. Praise the Lord for safe travel the whole way. Here are a couple pics.
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