
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

School Is Out For The Summer!

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April 30th and all the school books are done! You know that feeling you got on the last day of school as a kid? I never thought I would experience it again, but I do every year when those books are shut. It is that feeling of "NOW WE CAN PARRRRTEEEE."
That is what we did today. We took a minute to celebrate these little ones and their commitment to hard work. This year they took books in vans, planes, swing sets and doctor’s offices. They went on field trips, served their community and still got all their work done.
A trip to the library where the boys got their own library cards, lunch at Taco Bell, a certificate and some spending money for a toy was enough excitement to last us a while. We also got a celebrity visit from the principal/guidance counselor/dance instructor/main financial donor/dad! It was a kick off to a summer of fun that awaits.

Here are a few of our 2015-2016 school year highlights from this school year:

1. The boys earned a pet for having 30 school days without "grumbling or complaining (Phil 2:14)". The snake and the guinea pig are still alive! Their room smells like animal feces and is covered in hay, but love is in the air!
2. We attended Hope Homeschool's "Enrichment Days" and the kids took Karate, Kickboxing, Piano, wrote letters, built cars and contraptions. We were definitely... enriched!
3. We packed backpacks at church for kids at our local school so kids could have lunches and dinners on the weekends. The opportunity to serve others was a blessing for our family. We had lots of beautiful talks about those who don't have as much, are role in that as Christians, and dying to ourselves and serving.
4. We memorized Romans 12. There is really nothing as powerful as hearing your children recite a whole chapter in the bible. I still am amazed that a five-year-old can know a whole chapter in the bible. It has motivated me to expect great things from these little ones and never quit challenging them!
5. We hung with friends a lot of days. Mom got to have coffee with neighbors and school got done before or afterwards. We read at night or got up early and we loved our schedule on very scheduled days and loved the flexibility on other days.
6. The boys finished 2nd grade and Abigail finished her kindergarten. We are going to have 3rd graders and a first grader next year! Oh my...where is the time going. 

This homeschooling gig is very stressful some days. If you lived at our house, you would know we have a long way to go in achieving the "righteousness of Christ". Kids get sick, learners get gets frustrated! It is never quiet here, I can't make a doctor’s appointment for myself to save my life, poop and times tables go hand and hand. By God's grace, our greatest victories happen in light of those hard days. Sassy and selfish kids are learning to love their siblings and patiently help and teach them, we are cherishing this season of family time together and remembering that days with no kiddos are right around the corner. We are working out our salvation together as we work through hard things and tough questions together. One of the biggest blessings is that we have TIME. We have time to talk, to snuggle, to read, to discipline. We had to get out the door some days and that can be stressful and hard, but we do it. Other days we stay home... sometimes for days and days. There is a slowness that gives peace and calmness to our days.

A few life giving verses for our year:
"For human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory." Psalm 60:11-12
"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 61:8
"Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:13
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:17-18

Thank you Jesus for another successful year!


  1. Bob! You are -and always have been - such an inspiration to me! I can only hope to be able to say something similar in a few years!!

    1. KATE! I love you. You are an awesome Momma. Those girls of yours are so blessed to have you.

  2. Awesome Job in painting a great picture of your homeschoolyear.


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