
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tot School

Pin It One of my hopes for this year was that I could do a few more Tot School activities with the boys each day. We get the name from a fabulous blog I just love all of the ideas of things we can do.
So I started off getting organized. I put all of our "games", as Spence calls them, in a large drawer that he can open. Now he can pick a game and then go put it away before he gets another one out. I think we have over 15 different activities that include cutting, counting, coloring and our personal favorite... dumping. Thanks a swap of several bags I made with my sister Sarah and friend Holly we have quite a few different options and the boys never get bored.
Spencer is definitely old enough to do a lot of the packs with little supervision and assistant, but Jackson on the other hand, wants to be in on the action and has very little coordination.
Here are a few pics from our "noodle dumping" today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Breech Baby

Pin It In the last three weeks we have found out that this little one is breech. It was quite a surprise to me since our boys went head down so easy and stayed that way quite a few weeks before birth. I kept thinking when we got to the ultrasound it wouldn't really be breech, but then there was the little head resting right under my ribcage.
We are hoping to have this little one at home so that made a big hole in our plans. Now I was faced with all of the questions like, "Do we go to the hospital? Can we deliver breech? What are the dangers of a breech delivery? Do I need to have a c-section?"
I never thought I would say this at the beginning of all of this, but I am thankful for this trial. I have had to really trust our great Saviour so much more then if this baby would have just been in the normal position. My husband had been a huge source of blessing and encouragement. I have had to give my attitude to the Lord and be thankful for the extra car time to be praying and praising him. I have had to give up my plans and trust the Lord know what we need and at the same time believe that he can flip this baby if he wants to.
Thank goodness for a walk with the Lord at times like this. We will keep you posted on where the Lord places this baby when we go into labor. Keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3 weeks or so...

Pin It The belly is definitely showing how much time we have left to go. It is HUGE. I would post pictures, but I know I will look back and wonder why I did that to myself. Just to fill you in on some of the huge belly heartaches... I can barely reach my shoes to tie them, I can't change the boys crib sheets, a normal shirt is above my belly button, and I can't get the bath water high enough to keep warm. That was a little memory jogger for all of you past pregnant mommas and a little sneak preview for those who are looking forward to the big belly days.
Our "due week" is the 20th - 27th. We are going for a date range instead of one day this time because we are never exactly sure on one day and to save myself the heartache of feeling like I am overdue.
Keep my in your prayers. I tend to get a little crabby near the end because I am sick of being tired... and slow... and unable to get up from a lying down position. Also, I want to meet this next little one so badly and see my boys and hubby holding him or her. Hopefully the next post will hold pictures of our new family of five!
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