
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where is the MOTIVATION?

Pin It I still have to get dressed... and it is 9:00. Someone could show up at my door at any moment and that still doesn't motivate me to comb my hair. Hopefully, my next post will talk about how amazingly accomplished I am. Not today.
My resolve today, when it is so hard, is to write down three simple things and just do those. Simple things that I know I can get done.
Here they are:
- 2 loads of laundry
- Bonus timesheets
- My devotions

Friday, November 4, 2011

$$ Money, Money, MONEY $$

Pin It Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover has taken over at our house in the last month. I ordered the book and talked Justin into reading it two mornings a week. It has taken us a month just to read through the myths and obstacles, but now we have go to the game plan. We (me and with Justin's approval) refocused our budget and got some fire under our buns and today we paid off our first two big chunks of debt. Our goal is by December 31st of 2012 we will be debt free. We will still have a house to pay off, but that will give us something to work on in the next couple years.
In just a few weeks we have had so many new revelations about money. God doesn't want it to consume our life, he wants us to be able to give it to others freely without concern for our own well being. We are so excited to slowly get to this place. We want to teach our kids to have a biblical view of money and have the freedom to spend more time with them because we have been good stewards with what God has given us.
If you haven't read this book, GO PICK IT UP. It is such an easy read and will motivate almost anyone to put every penny they have to the freedom of being debt free.
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