
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Toddler Chores

Pin It What can a 2 and 3 year old do around the house?

I struggled with this question. I know I have to start young, but how soon? I want to prepare my boys to provide for their families and I don't ever want work to seem like a bad or drudging thing that they have to do.

The Lord continues to amazes me as he answers my prayers when I least expect it. Today Spencer said to me, "we should vacuum."  Well, he vacuumed... all the rugs and the living room carpet. He notified me that had already picked up the toys so that it would be ready to go. I guess he can vacuum.

Here are a few other chores I have noticed that they are able to do and do very well:

  • Pick up their room
  • Make their beds
  • Put the laundry away (under my direction as to which room it goes in)
  • Clear their places after a meal. Spencer can put his in the dishwasher
  • Put any toys away that they have used
  • Pick out their clothes for the day (boys are not as interested in this job as girls may be so it was a stretch)
  • Take the trash out to the garage (that has been a paid position recently and seems so be quite appealing)

Jackson "my man" Bartlett making his bed beautifully

The man who made it all happen!

Sometimes it is helpful for me to see what other kids their age can do so I can try and see if that would be a good chore in our house. I don't want to try to compare or keep up with others kids I just want to get ideas for how we can make this home run better for our family.

What kind of chores are done at your house?


  1. Dishes = always a favorite
    Plus you got the opportunity to clean the floor once the toddlers were done!
    I have a book Children Who Do Too Little about this, Krista, if you're interested.
    Hope book discussion group went well last night!

    1. I would love to borrow it Amy. Just drop it in my box at church whenever you think of it, if you would?

  2. Madelyn (17 months) feeds the dog at night. Granted it isn't every night and she rarely gives the dog enough food so I have to follow up, but she's learning how to help Mommy around the house. She is also responsible for giving the dog a rawhide treat when we leave for the day.

    1. I love that Sarah. It is the best thing to start them young!

  3. The girls help me put away their dishes (which go in a bottom cabinet) and they set the table. Whoever sets the table gets to pick which plate or bowl to use. I also let them water the plants with water bottles (they have better aim and it's a limited amount). I also let them help me occasionally wash the floor; we make it fun by letting them squirt the floor with water bottles and after I wash it they dry. It's made even more fun by letting them wear their bathing suits!

    1. I love the setting the table Rebecca. I need to get some plastic dishes. I have never invested in them and the boys use our regular (quite breakable) dishes. I am thinking that should be added to the garage sale list for the summer so I can get some table setting action going on around here.


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