
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Don't Just Babysit

Pin It We just had a sermon on Sunday about not babysitting the elderly people in our life. I loved that. Pastor challenged us to encourage every believer to maximize their time on earth for Christ no matter what their age. 

Then I started to think... the same goes for a 1,2, and 3 year old.

They are young warriors for the kingdom. They have a whole life of battles ahead of them and this house is their training ground.

Some days I forget that and start to act like their babysitter and not their mother. Do you remember those babysitting days? You would let your little charges have whatever they want so you could sit if front of the TV until their parents got home. Could a 15 year old be doing my job and getting the same results?

These days I am not sitting in front of the TV, but those seemingly noble tasks of picking up, getting dinner on, laundry, washing hands, making a phone call and planning a grocery list can get in the way of the hearts of my children. I put a movie on, set up their Lego barnyard, dress and undress them for going outside, just so I can get 5 minutes to think clearly. How will they grow to learn about and love the Lord if am always too busy to take the moments throughout the day to teach them?

I am not saying I want to sit on the couch all day with my kids and have a crazy, messy house. I think it is good for them to see me working and to learn to do those tasks with me. I am just thinking... how I can be intentional with them in the little moments and be sensitive to teaching them first. I don't want to look back at these young years and remember that we just survived, I want us to thrive.

Simple ways we do this in our house:

  • Get up earlier and make a plan for one intentional spiritual investment. I am going to read a bible story, do a craft, bake with a child, or sing a hymn and explain the spiritual importance of that activity. I have to plan for it in the morning or the day might get too crazy. It could be a 15 minute thing.
  • We memorize scripture and meal times and review ones we have already learned. The kids recite their verses to their grandparents when they come over to give me a little accountability. 
  • Have them pray at meal times and before bed. I read once that "if they can talk, they are old enough to pray" and we have made that the rule in our house. It takes a while to eat, but they will be well trained prayer warriors!
  • Work on my walk with the Lord and challenge myself so they will see me growing and changing.
If we are not doing, at least, that last one as mothers, we are no better then a babysitter. Our main job is to train up our children in the truth of God's word. Lets start making little investments everyday!


  1. So thoughtful and encouraging! Thank you for taking the time to build up your readers as well as your children! Just one thought: How bout have them pray at all times throughout the day, when they get an owie or are thankful for snow, then they will learn that God is always listening and is their friend.

  2. I love that thought. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I think that is a great way to train them to take those small, everyday things to the Lord in prayer by themselves as they get older. Thank you for that great reminder!


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