
Friday, March 2, 2012

Menu for the week

Pin It A friend was over and looking at my menu for the week and we talked about how much we love to see what other moms are making because it sparks new ideas. I love to scour blogs for menus for the week to come up with some fresh ideas for our house. I always make my plan Sunday night when the house quiets down and it dawns on me that I have a few short hours to try to get my life together before Monday hits. Monday is not full of grace at my house and we would have to fast for dinner if I didn't think about what we were going to eat.

So here is what we ate/are going to eat this week:

Monday: Meatloaf, green beans, sour cream and garlic potatoes
Tuesday: BBQ pizza
Wednesday: Chicken Salad and pizza melts on our lovely English muffins
Thursday: Tacos
Friday: Chicken Parmesan, zucchini, garlic bread
Saturday: Loaded baked potatoes
Sunday: Roast, potatoes, carrots

If any of it sounds good, stop in around 6:00 p.m. and we will set a plate for you!


  1. I am coming every night!!

    1. Or at least sending the kids over, right? "Come on girls, strap those boys on your back and head over to miss Krista's for dinner if you want to eat."

  2. for sure! We have a double stroller they could push!! :)


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