
Saturday, November 7, 2015

We did HALLOWEEN...and survived

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Another great Halloween success! We are loving our tradition of participating in our churches Trunk or Treat.
Actually, the truth is, I struggle with whether to sign up every year. I don't want to wear a costume. I don't want to have to imagine how I will decorate my table. I don't want to go to church early and find child care for my little ones. I really just want to sleep and find a way to convince my kids that there was no Halloween this year...the cousins were lying...AND it's bedtime. YEA! So fun!
My family's tradition growing up was my parents dressing us up and taking us to the neighbors and some good friends’ houses. WE LOVED IT. I have so many good memories and I think it helped cultivate a love for family and spending time together. I really want to do THAT every year. Go visit a few people I know and like. I won't have to talk to anyone I don't know or make conversation! There are some older couples that love to see our kiddos and we like to have an excuse to stop in for a visit. It is very low pressure and easy. Plus, I would still be cultivating family which is one of our family goals. YES! Let's do that option.
This is why it is hard to be a parent, because sometimes there are more than one good option. Really, both would be pleasing to God because we have good motives. Visiting friends and loving on them while keeping myself sane not overdoing Halloween Vs. serving our community and being a part of what our church is doing. Both are good.
We chose Trunk or Treat this year for so many reasons:
1. It hard to describe the feeling you get when you see 200 people lined up waiting to get into church (even if it is for candy). AMAZING. It makes me imagine Heaven and people lining up to be with Jesus.
2. The kids love it. Trunk or treat is a tradition for them now and they look forward to it like I did our tradition.
3. We get to pray for our community and be a light for Christ. The days leading up to Trunk or Treat we pray for all the families that will pass through.
4. The focus gets taken off ourselves and what is fun for us. As we pass out candy we say "Happy Halloween, Jesus loves you." "Thanks for coming, Jesus loves you." The kids learn to share the love of Jesus instead of just focus on how cool their costume is and how much candy they get.
5. We still see a bunch of people we know and love and even more than we could by visiting. We miss a few special friends, but try to stop in afterwards to hit the few people we miss (if we aren't too tired).

I tried to tell myself to rally...I could sleep once these kids are gone.
 "Slap on that Wonder Woman t-shirt that looks like it would fit a teenager (ummm…I thought I ordered a medium, that must mean scandalously tight in Halloween costume sizing) and put a smile on your face. When they are grown and gone you can lock your doors and SLEEEEEEEEP."
NOPE. NOT HAPPENING. Idea crushed.
 I looked around and the other tables were filled with ROCK STAR volunteers who had no little ones or even big ones at home and they were sharing the love of Jesus and giving of their time. I want to be just like them when I grow up!

MOM THOUGHT: Sometimes we need to stay home and lock our doors (been there), but if we can be part of what someone else is doing and it pleases Jesus…get on that team…because it could be AWESOME.
 Nana had a table...she is so fun! Nana Bartlett was in the nursery. We have the most amazing parents.
 Superhero family, flexing, of course.

They were a little disappointed Penelope wasn't in it and that I didn't order her a baby hulk costume like they pleaded for, but they got everyone is happy

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We are winning!

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Most days it feel like we are losing at the game of life in this house.

I am losing my mind, my patience and my elasticity around my eyes (WHY, LORD, WHY?). I am losing sleep, my battle with the chocolate chips and my dreams of working out of the morning. I keep LOSING track of the "Compulsive Coloring Child" and keep LOSING every piece of nice furniture.  It is tough to keep my attitude focused on Christ all day when so much losing is going on. 

The toughest loss is when you feel like you are losing your child's heart. They don't want to hear you, they don't want to be near you, and they don't want to like you. That is a hard blow in this house.

On Spencer's bed tonight, I was reminded that losing is actually a good thing when I follow Christ. I lose my will to put myself first, I lose my prideful heart, I lose my sassy attitude, I lose my need for approval of others, I lose any thought that I can parent without Christ. I encouraged him:
"Let's lose those shackles that bind us."
"Let's lose our angry hearts."
"Let's stop thinking about ourselves and turn our thoughts to others."
"Let's lose the Devil's hold on us."
"Let's get used to this idea of losing and look to see how it can make us win in Christ."

We have to embrace our losses so that our kids will be able to win against the Devil and his schemes.

When I LOSE my time to myself, my hair with each new baby, and all my money to milk and eggs and princess underwear, I can FIND a child's heart that is searching for more Jesus. I find time to do bible studies and bedside chats. I find time to snuggle everyone in the morning, when I really want to be cleaning. I find time to do devotions when I really want to knock out a few more school pages... or maybe just knock some on out.

So… when the Devil tries to use this idea of "losing it" (and let me tell you, my husband has heard that phrase a time or two) against us moms...IT IS TRUE. We are losing our grip on our lives. BUT…Only when we are "losing it" can we really be found in Christ. So take heart moms! This permanent state of chaos and moments of failure...that is when we can really chose to WIN. 

Everyone "LOST IT" at dinner with the introduction of the new food group "peas". 
How could someone so cute say, "I love peas, but not eat them right now" so many times?

We recovered from the wailing and gnashing of teeth, by cleaning up with superhero masks and a YouTube jam session. I really just wanted to cry and eat chocolate. 

We ended up praising Jesus after we lost to dinner!

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Window Lie

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How many moms out there are REALLY washing their windows? I thought EVERYONE was...except me. I had a legitimate excuse too. I couldn't open my windows...or get those 100 year old storm windows off... so what was the point? I really didn't even notice that there was a stink bug that had been dead for two years in my direct line to the sandbox. I was blissful, despite dirty windows. I really didn't care. BUT... I knew if I wanted to be MATURE and reach my full potential in motherhood I would have to clean my windows twice a year like my mother taught me and did our whole life. JUST BECAUSE...that is what all good keepers of a home do…right?
NO. FALSE. LIES. All of it.

I got new windows...those old 60's windows were long gone. New beautiful windows that slid like butter, and actually locked, moved in. I got a slow start on my window cleaning and decided to wait a full year... you know, to give the windows time to settle be happy and comfortable.

Yesterday, I had no kids for a day and was in full, panic, spring/fall cleaning, throwing everything away that crossed my path mode. As I drank my first cup of coffee I planned my day.

I wrote:
2:30-3:30 Windows

There, that should get me a good chunk done and one be on merry way.

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, as I grabbed my bucket and step stool and paper towel and Windex and trotted outside... I realized, quickly, I didn't know how to get my screens off. 30 minutes on YouTube and those babies slid right out. My husband hadn’t played a cruel trick on me as I suspected. Whoa... TIME IS A WASTING. Now to get to the real work.

TWO AND A HALF HOURS and a little egg sack of spider babies in my tank top LATER... I HAD 4 WINDOWS done. I wanted to cry and curse my mother at the same time. How is ANYONE expected to maintain this level of cleanliness, especially when I don't even notice the dead bird mark on the window unless I am 1 inch from it? WHY, WHY, WHY DO smart people do this?

I called my mother. I told her I have disbanded from her army. I no longer follow her without question and in naive bliss. Somewhere along the line she drank some blue juice her Dutch mother gave her and she never quite came back. I am afraid if I stick close to her now I might hear something like, "if you don't curl your hair every day you are not going to heaven, Honey." Yup...straight up craziness coming from her mouth.

If my husband becomes a stay at home dad, or all these kiddos go off to school, or I hire a full time nanny/cleaning lady we will go back to the drawing board on the windows. Until then... this is PURE GOSPEL: 

If a window gets washed in this house we will treat it like a miracle has occurred and praise Jesus for his unimaginable ways!

MOM THOUGHT: We can’t do it all ladies. Pick you battles!

Friday, June 12, 2015

A Mother's Reflection on Family Pictures

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I have a love/hate relationship with family pictures. I love to see them, stare at them, frame them, shop for them but I HATE to get ready for them and take them. It is like the Nazis are coming and the house is on fire and everyone is calling my name to let me know...and we are late...for the Nazis. I spend the whole morning trying to remember why I paid money for this.

We head into pictures with smiles and stern instructions to be obedient and HAPPY, and we leave with sweat rings, gray hairs and our parental dignity shattered. Slushies were promised for good behavior. Children who smiled got in and got out. Those who cried...well, they didn't stop crying...for anyone or any beautiful thing we promised.

It is all worth it when you get those timeless prints. Your whole family is one place, standing still, clean and MATCHING. It really is a magical time.

However, here is the real story behind these pictures.
"One down...thank you Lord! Did you just pinch me Honey? Please tell me you are not pinching ME already."

 "Why did I think I could wear white pants? Let go of your brother...NOW" 

"I love the camera. I could do this all day."

 "Oh, Jack, and learn. I have been waiting my whole life for this moment. Don't you just LOVE my dress?"

 "Yup... I would rather be dead." 

"I am about to go down...all the way to Chinatown people. You better break out the big guns."

 "Did I just see a Smarties?"

 "Wow Mom, could you have remembered a Kleenex? It wasn't like it was a busy morning or anything."

 "This is what I clapped, talked in a high pitched voice, and told underwear tricks about your dad for."

 "I am a little nervous about this..."

"Oh yeah, bad idea. You better move fast, old man, or WWF Smackdown is going to break out on the church lawn."


", super awkward." 

 "Why did we leave our kids unattended pile of rocks... why is there screaming? Why are we taking pictures of the two of us?"

Well, it's been real, but I think we will do that again in another 15 years. 

Really, the love outweighs all of that hate. I have a couple pictures from my childhood with our whole family, and I cherish them. I have to give myself the pep talk I know my mom would give me if she heard me whining like this.

“What are all the positives Krista?” I can just see you looking at me mom.
·        We only had to drive to our church, 2 minutes from our house. How is that for close?
·        I showered. Big time win.
·        We only paid $25 and it helped out the MOPS group at our church.
·        Since we were so close to home my Hubby ended up just staying home and working in his office. The kiddos can pop in and see him more often and it is a treat.
·        These babies are so stinkin’ cute and they are disappearing before my eyes. I need some memories of them like this…even if it is a ton of work.

Mom thought: Anything that is fun and memorable takes a lot of work for a mom of littles. We have to choose a few things that are worth it to us and make it joyful. A little bit of laughter goes a long way!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Usual Stay at my Parents House

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I spent the night at my parent’s house last night. Sometimes when Justin has to be away we sneak over to "Nana and Papa Horses" to have some extra special party time with them.
My parent’s house is, truly, a place like no other. It is not the house or the location, it is them. They attract people like magnets to themselves. Well, it is not really is how much they love Jesus and then everyone who walks in the door. You can't be there a whole day without seeing about five... or twenty, different people stopping in to say hi, borrow something, spend the night or stay for a meal.

We were spending the night. All six of us. Then we had another visitor, dad's very extended cousin, which, I am still not really sure how they are related. Then Cody, a friend from my parent’s winters in Arizona who has made is a second annual trip to Michigan to stay for the summer. My parents introduced him to Jesus a few years ago and now he is an on fire believer, eats most meals at the table, and talks about the grandkids like they were his. 

I made fish tacos and my mom fixed a fishing pole up for Spence, hunted for worms and told him he could take the turtles he caught home for a pet. Sam came in and with steaks and we threw those on and then Julia came in with her three little babies. There was roping going on in the arena. My boys jumped in the car with her and we swooped her little ones into a pack and play and sat down for dinner.

After dinner we walked up to watch a bunch of tired parents and dirty kids. They fell into the back porch at 10 pm. We feed them all a juice box and Doritos to top off the night...the parents too. It is like the party never stops over there. 

The next morning we all had breakfast together and chatted about the Lord and how important he is in our lives. His name just floated through every piece of conversation… just like is always has. The boys fished and I sat on the porch with coffee and my baby. I dug for worms and baited the hook.

My mom wanted to plant some flowers at her sister’s grave and needed some assistant ( manual labor). The grave is just over the hill from the arena, past the apple trees, in a family cemetery my dad built. We looked at the flowers...looked at the pot...looked at the kids...drank a little more coffee...feed the baby a bottle... and then found a way to haul it all up there without a visit to the chiropractor.
My mom had HER four-wheeler and HER train that she HAS to have to pull her grandkids around. She won't let anyone else touch it. She will probably ride off into heaven on that thing one day...a modern day Elijah. We loaded that baby up and headed off to our cemetery maintenance. Shovels, mulch, 4 kids, flower pot,  and watering can. Done.

We made the boys dig the holes. Hannah cried because we forgot to get her shoes and she was stepping on the pine needles. Sam stopped by to take a picture of the cross over the cemetery and made all of us pose. Then I took a picture of Sam in front of the cross. He hauled the pot up for us. Alisa drove past us headed to the beach. She got out with all her kiddos. They came right as we were finishing up. I made a joke that is was just like when she was a kid...always hiding in the bathroom after dinner until the dishes were done.

All the kids headed back to the house in the train. I lost my seat. We threw on some suits and headed to the beach. Julia pulled in with her kids to get our numbers up to 15 kiddos. Mom went back and made lunch. We brought the kids up and locked them in the back yard.  The mom's drank diet soda's. We let our kids run until there was absolutely, no denying, that they needed a nap. During lunch Sarah showed up, Julia and Alisa left. Mom and I headed back down to the beach. Boys fished, kayaked and caught turtles. Elijah, the oldest took a boat-load of kids of a fishing tour. The best oldest cousin/role model EVER.
We left with a dirty van, dirty kids, some rotten bananas from the day before, two turtles, sunburns, an ice cream container filled with homemade soup, Dum Dum suckers in everyone's mouth, no matching socks, enough sand in the babies bottom to refill our sandbox... and full hearts.

Mom thought: Someday, when I grow up, I want to be just like my parents. I love to be around them. How do we do that as parents of our own little ones? We love Jesus, put him first and spread the GOOD NEWS to EVERYONE that walks in our path. 
Snappy and Scratchy our newest additions.  One happy turtle owner!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The garden is in!

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I had my doubts...I didn't know if it was going to happen this year. We had already skipped last year due to our May 31st baby. I actually had all my plants bought before we went to the hospital and I came home with that sweet baby AND returned all the plants the next day. There was no time for weeding. I had to snuggle that baby and figure out how we were going to survive with 5 kids. 

So...this year I was really itching to garden. I like an excuse to be outside with the kids. I can weed with them, we can talk, no one comes in the house, the baby is happy in the baby jail, I mean, cage.
 I love to grab a bucket full of goodies and cook with it that night.
 I love to can and then rub my hands back and forth, and I feel like the wealthy do for one minute, with my full canning shelves. Then I feed my kids... and it is gone, all of it, in about two minutes. 
I love when someone realizes that dill pickles are AMAZING and that mom made them.
I love watching the first sprouts of green come up.
I love finding the first pumpkins and helping everyone lay claim to the one they will stalk daily and guard with their life.
I love fresh cilantro. That happened one pregnancy and never stopped. AMAZING. IN EVERYTHING.
I love making the kids weed. I love hearing that is hot and itchy and they are so tired, because it builds character and helps them learn to work hard.

Most of all, I loved putting the garden in. All the kids were outside. The girls built beautiful cakes out of the leftover flats from the veggies. The boys helped dad, begged to shoot the birds in the garden, caught grasshoppers and had water fights.
You have to do it as a family or else it is too hard. We all needed to chip in so that we can eat some delicious goodies (sorry Spence, I know you disagree now, but I am telling you...someday bell peppers will taste like candy).

These are the days I hope my kids remember.
Simple fun.
Working together.
Dad being silly.
 Mom slapping dad because he is always putting the moves on.
 Long nights.

 Falling asleep instantly.

              The sweetest little helper. Always looking to see how he can be a servant.

  Teaching her younger sister the ways of the dirt...and maybe throwing a rock          her way when no one was looking.

Our big man quick to volunteer to take care of those birds. 

The beautiful cakes produced by the Dirty Sister's Bakery.

             Yup...Dad is flexing. It is going in all of your picture books and on everyone's graduation poster board. Dad rocked the garden.

Mom thought: Having a family is fun. Some days it is really hard, but other days it is pure joy!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

We partied in May!

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We party HARD in May. We have four of our seven birthdays in that month. My in-laws have an anniversary and Mother's Day is thrown in there.
To be honest, I haven't felt quite right for the last two months. We are getting closer to figuring out what is wrong, but these parties, gift wrapping and shopping almost seemed like too much this year. I really wanted to sleep instead of make Hulk pudding cups. I would have liked to shave my legs instead of make watermelon cutouts, but we made it through by downsizing expectations and asking for some help along the way.
I really want Pinterest birthdays for my kids, not for me, but for them. A birthday is so magical and fun and I have a thousand ideas of how to make it that way. No other time do kids get to have a whole day to celebrate how much God and their family love them. So we had to find a way to still celebrate, but not be left feeling exhausted and unable to wake from a coma in the morning.
Here were a few things that helped:
·        I planned ahead and bought presents before.
·        I doubled up my parties (my boys have never had their own party yet...maybe next year...hahaha, yeah right).
·        I asked my mom to make a cake and then a bought another one.
·        I didn't clean as well as I wanted too before people came over (no one noticed and it was trashed afterwards anyway).
·        I bought a lot of things to make it fun instead of making all of my Pinterest ideas (the boys loved the store bought pinata as much as a homemade yard game).
·        I didn't let friends spend the night (boys will be up until 2 in the morning GUARANTEED) but let them invite a few more for a couple hours.
·        I let my husband feed my kids cereal twice on Mother's Day instead of worrying about dinner.
·        I made one thing and did it with the kids so it was fun instead of a stressful list I HAD to get done.

The month played out so nicely that I might do less and less every year!

Cousins are the best party pals.

Amazing hubby working his grill magic. The father-in-laws offering support and encouragement. 

Party table. I snapped this before there was pretzels in the punch and dill pickle juice dripping on the floor. 

Some of the most fun boys ever!

Why not have Dorito cheese all over your hands? IT IS A PARRRRRTY!

 My Super hero Mom rescued the cake decorating. 
Those stones were chocolate.
 Those were for me.

I topped off our birthday festivities with a breathing treatment party and tired Momma picture.

Mom thought: I have to be able to draw the line somewhere. I will never be able to do it all. Whatever, I am able to do I can do it with grace, laughter and honor to God! That is what they will remember.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Double Birthday!

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Last year I shared my birthday for the very first time in 30 years. I thought having a baby was the best gift ever on my birthday so I didn't think for one minute about sharing that day. I imagined her and me going out to dinner when she's older every year, making special memories and hugging and kissing each other all day long.
Really, it was just God teaching me another lesson is selflessness. He did it because I am so consumed with myself sometimes that I forget to focus on others and Him.
I LOVE birthdays for my kids. My mom was great at birthdays and I want my kiddos to love me as much as I love her so I have to do birthdays up right. I do special cakes, and balloons and streamers and special cereal and meals and "free day from chores" pass and pick whatever-the-heck you want today and we will probably do it. I love it and I take extra effort and time to make those little ones know they are special to us and even more special to Jesus.

Justin doesn't get into the birthday scene for the kids, except in attendance, but he does do a pretty spectacular job for me on my birthday. He gets breakfast, does dishes, gets kids ready, and anything else I could hope or dream of. I love my birthday and Mother's Day because my husband becomes Super-Man and I become Super Lazy!

Not so for this new birthday routine. We invited friends and family over, we needed groceries and food prepped. My house needed to be picked up and some areas cleaned. Penelope doesn't know what is going on now, but in a few years she will and she will look forward to this being her special day, not mine.

All that being was a great day. Justin and I tag-teamed it in the morning for our church routine. I helped get lunch ready, but he cleaned it all up while I sat on the computer and had coffee. He took the kiddos to McDonald's so I didn't have to make dinner and I could have a few minutes of quiet. We went for a family bike ride and I ate WAY too much Dairy Queen cake.

Every year after this it will be less about me and more about her. That is why God made me a I could learn to focus less on myself and more on God and others. I guess only those who need a swift kick in the pants are lucky enough to share their birthday and their spoil time!

Each year, Lord willing, I hope to take a picture of us two! Here is our first two years. 

Mom Thought: Life is not made for me and my wants. Until we head home to Heaven we will be learning to put others needs before our own. Children are a great at helping us with this!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

We had a baby...I was tired...and two years went by...

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I think that about covers it. Life has been a blur in the life of 5 kids 7 and under. We wake up, eat, wash mounds of laundry, scrub hands, feet and buns, we eat, we read, we train and correct, we eat again, we play, we smile, some one is always crying, and then we fall into a sandy bed with toddler underwear sneaking around our ankles.

My Mom, who is my voice of reason and wisdom, told me you have a baby fog until they are 6 weeks. Uhhhh Mom... lets be real...maybe for baby number 1 and 2, but anything after that I would say baby fog hangs on until about a year...or maybe FOR-EV-ER. 

One year old baby is sitting on my lap right now whimpering about how bad her teeth hurt. She will probably whimper about it at 2:00 a.m. too...BABY FOG. Abba coughed so hard she threw up in her bed three times yesterday…Baby Fog.

Somehow, by our Lord and Savior’s AMAZING grace, two boys made it through second grade, we are all growing in godliness, kids sickies healed, little ones started to use the potty, babies walked and church functions where attended. It really… was all miraculous!

Here is our highlight reel for the last two years:

One of the sweetest peanuts ever was born. Thank you Jesus! Penelope Krista Bartlett born on my birthday.

 We camped...I can't  remember anything except that my amazing in-laws came with us because we physically could not watch all our own kids.

 I tried to work out and then took a picture of it so that I could remember it.

My sisters had a few kids too!

 We had amazing Halloween costumes..

Our sweet little ones got older... and I cried when I noticed it.

We remodeled our house and I got an island that seats 7 out of the deal. One of my life dreams! Party house!

We bowled and the kids were cute.

The little ones became big helpers and more responsible and it was fun to see.

We looked around and wondered how we had five kids already. We were so young and good-looking still...clearly. We thanked our parents for our good genes.

I had a birthday party where I made cakes and little girls smile, but didn't brush the birthday girl's hair.

 We went on dates, fell more in love, worked harder on our marriage and started to gross the kids out when we kissed...which is WAY more fun then I ever imagined!
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