
Thursday, November 25, 2010


Pin It I love reading everyone else's blogs from Thanksgiving. They all seem to say it so much better then me. However, I am very thankful... and that will have to just be enough today.
We are very blessed here in the Bartlett household and it was nice to have a day just to think about what the Lord has really given us. I can get so caught up in the day to day that I lose sight of the big picture. Thank you Jesus for continuing to remind me of your generous hand upon our lives.
Justin has a DVD of Hillsong (the Australian music group) and as we watched that today I was reminded of all of God's precious children all around the world that have so much less then us. They had on statistics that said 30,000 children under 5 die every day from poverty. As a mom of 2 under five, soon to be three, that is a heart breaker. I am so thankful I can care for my kids don't live in fear that we won't be able to provide for their needs. I had a hunger building up in me today to teach our kids, every day of the year, to act out of a heart of gratefulness. I don't want selfishness, or pickiness, or unthankful hearts to take root in our home because it is not teaching them to be aware of God's other little gems who don't have anything. We can be content with so little and I want that to start with me.
What a great day. A time to reflect on God's blessings always pushes me towards changing my heart.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A day away with my hubby

Pin It Justin and I are quite different in many ways... one being, he is sporadic and I am not. He often gets big ideas and wants to do them right way, whereas I want to plan it, stew over it, then analyze it and probably end up coming to the conclusion that we shouldn't do it... for some reason. Thank the good Lord that I have realized this pattern, in our three short years of marriage, and begun see a idea coming and roll with it.
Saturday Justin got one of those ideas and decided we needed to go away for the night and spend some time together before he gets even busier. So... we headed to Traverse City for the night and had a blast just hanging out with each other. We ended up with a beautiful room on the bay, went out for a nice dinner, played games, snuggled and slept in, went shopping, and just enjoyed the fact that God so wisely gave us to each other. I will always smile when I think of this weekend and the fun memories that we made. Thanks babe. You are so fun and my life would be quite boring without you!

We became addicted to Yahtzee

Justin rolled four Yahtzee's in one game... he will never forget it

A perfect spot for some prego pics. 11 weeks to go.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Pin It The boys are in bed... and Justin is sleeping on the couch... and a I have a brief moment to catch up the blog. Novemember is here and it is VERY busy. Justin barely gets home before 8:00 and we run all day long. We have come to appreciate Sundays and being our only day of rest and we soak it up for all it is worth. Two weeks ago we took a trip to an indoor putt putt golf course and Justin started the boys on the road toward being golf professionals. And last week was Halloween and we had a blast taking the boys around to friends and family with there costumes on. We are loving our time together as family and each day getting more and more excited for #3 to be here to join our clan.
Other than that I am busy with changing diapers, instilling manners, teaching memory verses, reading sotries, wiping noses, gourmet coooking, and helping keep my husband healthy through his busy season. Justin has a few new job duties at the farm and is busy shipping 1/2 million trees in the next 3 weeks. Christmas is on the horizon and we are awaiting a slower season in life. For now we are eating, sleeping and working and praying we have the strength to get up tomorrow morning!

cuddle time

Hanging out with cousin David...sharing a bottle together

Halloween and lots of TREATS!

Dad helping Spencer with his swing

Jackson stealing balls and making this happen!
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