
Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Broken Leg

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Here they are in all of their glory... the broken leg pictures.

Dad trying to keep her busy

Playing in her bed. Is that hospital gown not the cutest thing ever?

Still waiting... so we found a wagon to pass the time

All done! A little slushy for a treat!

The most precious child int the world.

The story

We went on a date and came home to the babysitter telling us that she thought Abigail might have sprained her leg. She had run into her brother and fallen and didn't want to put weight on it.

The next morning I got her out of her crib and she hit the floor and soon as I set her down. Whoops... I had forgotten about the leg. By mid-morning we knew something was still wrong and headed to the hospital to get X-rays. No problem... they would call us with the results, probably nothing I thought. So... we came home, did lunch, put everyone down for naps and I headed out to run some errands. Thankfully, I checked my phone because I put it on silent and I had three messages from the doctor. "Yes, it is broken... and you need to head to Devos Children's Hospital, they are expecting you." WHAT???? DEVOS???? That is a 2 hour drive and it was already 1:30 in the afternoon. Come to find out, no other hospital will put a cast on a 18 month old and she needed it on ASAP. Justin hopped off the lawn mower and into the car, we grabbed Abigail, the boys went to Nana and Papa's and we spent the evening of Justin's birthday in the ER.

The results... Three weeks in the LARGEST CAST IN THE WORLD, a screaming, heavy daughter, and many tears. Then, three weeks in a short cast ( I am already in love with this short cast and I haven't even met it yet).

I told my mom on the phone... it will be fine, I probably won't even remember this in 20 years and she said... "But maybe you will." Let's hope it isn't that bad.

The broken leg is just another addition to the craziness around here!


  1. I love your mom. :) Such a realist.

    And seriously, in 20 years, what does it matter if you remember it or not? It'll be a long gone memory by then.

    Hang in there mama!

    1. So true, Rachael. I am trying to forget it happened right now! Ha! It really isn't turning out to be as bad as I thought, but nothing ever is, right?

  2. I also broke my leg when I was around a year and a half... We have pics of me in a walking cast, and actually still have the cast, too! God bless you all, and I hope for a speedy recovery :)

    1. Whoa... I don't think I will be saving this cast (I just clean the basement and we already have WAY too much crap). It is good to hear that your mom survived and you aren't walking around with a limp... I am very encouraged!


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