
Monday, May 25, 2009

1 year old!

Pin It Where does time go? Spencer was a year old on Friday. We had a party with the grandparents and my oldest sister Sarah and her husband Chris. Their son John Paul is 9 days younger then Spence. They love to play together and I am anticipating all the adventures they will have as they grow up.

"Yes, I'm the birthday boy"

Spence dug into his cake and ice cream

Spence and John Paul with their favorite toys... Tupperware.

Attempting to get a good picture with the boys

The most recent family picture. Spence was pumped about it.


  1. love the new hairdo and the new fam pic-how precious! cant believe spence is ONE YEAR! yikes!!!! i LOVE how happy he is in the fam pic!
    love you, dreamer TONS and TONS!!!!!!

  2. hello, my love! i was so excited to see ur post on my blog today. how cute r u for keeping up? :)
    yes, i so wish u were here to join us on the boat, tho obviously you have things to do, like go to ur sis's wedding and all! :) i will totally say a prayer for NO RAIN tomorrow. im assuming it's outside, then? will u please take some pics and post them so i can see the lil dreamer?
    perhaps, one day our budget will allow us to take all the trips to see all the ppl we want to! but until then, im thankful for the internet to keep up, a least a lil! love you, dream!


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