
Monday, January 28, 2013


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Tonight I am unpacking a bag of clothes my sister borrowed for a trip. It makes me think two things: Number one...I am glad I own some clothes that are cute enough to borrow (miracles still do happen). Sadly, I am just realizing it was a pregnant sister who was doing the borrowing, but I am refusing to spend too much time on that fact. Except to say that I am blushing right now and feeling a little more motivated to ease up on the chips and dip.

ANYWAY…Number two…I love having sisters and having them nearby.

I remember when I first got married and it seemed so lonely on Sunday mornings getting ready for church. What? My husband didn't want to sit on the toilet as I combed my hair? My sisters and I used to go from closet to closet, cram in the bathroom to do our makeup, and sit on toilet, floor or wherever just to chat. It was such a treat and I never really appreciated it until I didn't experience it anymore.

It really just makes me want to be a sister to more people because I love it so much. I want others to experience that joy, especially if they don’t have a sister or do, but not close by. I will drop a new book off to a sister, a magazine I saw with something in it I know they are interested in, a new pair of ankle books or message them a quote I know they would love.

Sisters  tell me my house smells like poop, that I need a haircut, or encourage me to lose that last 10 pounds. Life is so easy with them because I know they love me and would trip over themselves to help me.

I have a few ladies that our turning into sisters-from-another-mother. I love reaching that place with ladies where you don’t worry if your child screams the whole time they are at their house, because their child did last week at your house. Letting them see you with no makeup on and your husband’s pajama pants and knowing they like you better because of it!

Women are pure joy. I love the time I get to spend laughing and sharing life with these special ladies God has put in my life. I hope I can be the same encourager to them as they are to me!

I couldn't find a picture of just the ladies, but I guess the guys in this pic are alright too!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Fits and Failures

Pin It We started another book club/ bible study last week. I am absolutely, head-over-heels, in love with these ladies. We laughed so hard about jean jumpers and homeschooling and still managed to shared some serious mothering/wife struggles. It is the perfect blend. This is why I have to tell my husband not to worry if it is midnight and I am still not home.

Our book for the week "Give them Grace" by Elyse Fitzpatrick is resonating so deeply with me. I am a doer by nature. I like to get the job done, see results and check it off my list. I want to do that with my children too. Fed. Check. Clothed. Check. Taught about Jesus. Check. Verse memorized. Check. Going to Heaven. Check. Okay, now I can take a deep breath and relax. I did what I was supposed too.

However, as I read this book I am reminded why God gave us these beautiful children, to point them to the unmerited love of our Savior.  There is nothing I can do or they can do that would deserve this love. My job is to simply tell them the story of Jesus' love for us and pray with all my strength they will be drawn into it like I am.

The fits and disobedience are not a result of the good (or bad job) that I am doing, but a sign of their need to know Christ. A cry to experience his love and need to know Him and please Him. When I read this verse I could truly rest: "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the (boy or girl) who takes refuge in him!" (Ps. 34:8). I point my children to Christ. That is my job and my calling as a mother and daughter of the King. No amount of disobedience or bad days can change the promises of our Lord.

  Everyday is an opportunity to share the Story.

A picture of Abigail having a fit in her crib. A reminder that I sin and have fits and God continues to offer me his love and grace. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Hubs

Pin It The Devil Eyes. I tried to talk myself through it, pull myself together, but when my hubs walked threw that door they unexpectedly greeted him.

The Crazy Eyes. Devil Eyes. You know, the kind of look when your eyebrows are trying to slick back your hair. The one where you are sure your eyes are just watering for no reason. The look of your last brain cell, that you had been hanging on to so tightly, just slipped out your mesh strainer of  a brain.

He knew right away. He lovingly sat me down at the table and stroked my hair in an aggressive pat only a man can pull off.

"I am taking the kids on Friday so you can get some work done."

Eyebrows lowering.

 I love that man. 

I am sitting here in a quiet, clean house for one night. I crossed some biggies off my to-do list and I feel like I can breath again.

No two year old pooping on the floor. No four year old stabbing his brothers eye out. No oatmeal in the ears or kids in snowsuits that have to pee. No wiping, feeding, crying, or correcting. Parenting makes cleaning your house and doing your taxes for 10 hours seem like a vacation.

I got rid of the piles, the dust, the clutter and a few scary things that I wasn't sure about.

God knew what he was doing when he created the hubby and wife combo.

Thanking God for husbands today. No matter who they are or what they do or don't do. They add their own special touch to each home.

Now...trying to think of something special I can do for him...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Preschool Age Chore Packs

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I just revisited our chore packs yesterday. The kids were getting sick of the same old chores and wanting to expand their expertise in household cleaning. Of course, I graciously complied and came up with the most awesomely, fun, surprise new chores. The waited for me with their hands outstretched and eyes closed on the couch. Seriously... chores are just that much fun at our house. However, don't get all stressed out about the overwhelming amount of obedience and joy in our house because, sadly, the chores ended with much crying and one child complaining about being outside by himself. Whoa... I wasn't expecting it to go down like that.
However, I am happy to report the chores are still a hit, the children have forgotten the tears and can't wait for tomorrow! 

This is how we do it at the Bartlett house. Chore Packs. I found them on a blog and thought they would work great for us and they have, for almost a year now. I took pictures of all their chores, printed them in wallet size prints on my home printer. Then I put them in old school wallet picture holders ( I don't even know what you call them). I attached pictures with binder rings and hung a string around to put over their head. I put their picture in the first slot so they can find their pack easily. I found everything in the office section at Walmart.

Here is our chore list for the new year. 
Spencer (age 4):
  • Get Dressed
  • Brush Teeth
  • Make Bed
  • Pick Up Room
  • Wipe Down Toilets
  • Empty Trash
  • Pick up Living Room Floor
  • Fill the Diaper Basket
  • Shovel the Sidewalk
Jack (age 3):
  • Get Dressed
  • Brush Teeth
  • Make Bed
  • Pick Up Room
  • Scrub Toilets
  • Straighten Shoes
  • Vacuum Living Room
  • Wash Kitchen Table
  • Shovel Sidewalk
Honestly, I am going to make on for Abigail too (almost 2) because she wants to be included so badly. I don't get all stressed out about the job being done perfectly. I, mostly, do it because it helps get us going in the morning, helps keep the house from a total melt-down, helps get the boys moving and burning some energy. 

Here are some examples of the pictures I take to slip in there. Nothing fancy. It just needs to be something to jog their memory. They usually memorize them so quickly that in a week or two they don't even wear the chore pack anymore.

Empty Trash

Brush Teeth

Get Dressed

Fill diaper basket

Pick up room

Shovel sidewalk (Spencer did this all by himself...isn't that amazing?)

Here are some that I took out from last time ( I will save these and rotate them in later):

Water Plant

Empty Silverware

I have been waiting to do this since the first of the year. I didn't get around to it until now, but I wished I did it earlier. It just helps our morning go so much smoother. The first week or too it takes a lot of work on my part to show them how to do a new chore, but after that... it totally pays off!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


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Oh my goodness... this blog. It has been in the back of my mind since we received our little Hannah gift, but that has were it has stayed. My mom once told me that we all have our own number. She meant the number of kids it takes for us to stand back and say, "Whoa... I can never leave my house again". The number that after you hit it you think you have reached your max and you will never again be able to shower, go the bathroom, or sleep. Again. Ever. Number four was my number. The good news about hitting your number is that she said a few more don't seem like a big deal after that. After our new "number" we have been on permanent lock down and I am loving it. Life has been simplified to the barest of bones and my expectations can finally take a brief rest. 

Now this blog is a special treat, my hobby and late night, can't sleep therapy. I hope time will make it self more readily available in the future so that my children will be able to read this and find some sweet memories, advice and wisdom here. At this point in life anything is a small victory.

Then here we go... a few Christmas time memories:

New Year party with the Riveras and Powells.

Spencer's favorite Christmas gift from Nana and Papa Bartlett. Our "Sure Shot" man.

Nana and sweet Hannah

Papa reading the boys and cousin Patience their new hunting book

A"once a year attempt at craftiness" our Christmas wreath snowman!

Great Nana cuddling Hannah

Papa Horses sang Hannah to sleep

The lovebirds

Nana Horses and James (Maria and John's newest) in Nana's coveted "lap spot"

Daddy and Abba in a cuddle only he can pull off

Holding My Sweetness. I think we got out the that chair a few times over Christmas... maybe.

Dad and Elijah in a heated game of Settlers. It was probably their third game and 1:00 in the morning.

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