
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Don't Want To Forget...

Pin It There are a number of things about having a baby that I hope to forget and as women we all are very aware of those things. The after-belly (our kids asking if the baby is still in there), cramping, back going out (is this just a special treat for me?), leaking, no-sleep and cereal for every meal. However, that is a small price to pay for the beautiful fake-sleep smile of a newborn, their yummy smell, swaddled teeny-tiny body, and siblings who fight over whose turn it is to hold her.

Why do majority of women in our society choose to talk about the negatives of birth and new babies? You become some sort of hero if you have more then two kids, like your body has completed some miraculous feet. Believe me, I know it is hard on you. Four kids in four years has not left my body in the Olympian condition I strive to appear in. The truth is, and this should be told, the positives far outweigh the negatives. If women don't want to have more children, that is fine, but lets forget how fabulous a newborn is.

Lets not forget to talk about that with each child we receive new blessings. If we only ever talk about the negatives of birth, that is all we will remember when we think about our babies. Instead of saying "oh, no, I never want to do that again" I want to say "that was such a special time for our family, I never want to forget it".

Here are our positives of this little blessing:
- My husband calling me every day from work when we get close to delivery wondering if there is anything going on in the labor department (he is strictly business on any other day)
- Heading to the hospital knowing you will be having a new little one in a matter of hours
- Talking to your kids about a new sibling
- My mom combing my hair in the hospital bed
- The look in my husbands eyes when he sees our child for the first time
- Visitors
- Babies first bath, feeding, snuggle
- Introducing a new baby to their brothers and sister and seeing them love her without even having to think about it (Spencer willingly admitted, on his own, that he loved Hannah more then his Nutragrain bar... it is too much cuteness for a mom)
- Looking over from the couch and seeing a newborn in a bassinet
- Waking up in the morning to a little bundle next to you
- Taking is slow for a few weeks, staying at home, and enjoying the auto-pilot it requires to adjust to a new baby
- Basking in the one load of laundry you did that made you feel you achieved something for the day
- Seeing your heart as a mom change as you have to give more and expect less and you realize this new little one is gently forcing you to be more like Christ (or be the crabbiest person alive... you choose)

That last one is the big thing for me. Marriage first, then every child after, has drawn me closer to Christ. I realize I can't do it alone, it is too much for me to handle. I get into my word and find what God's Truth has to say about a situation. The Truth is... God never gives me more then I can handle, the JOY of the Lord is my strength, GIVE THANKS in all things, remember the cross, pray, pray, pray. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading this post today.. I am one that does not like pregnancy.. Thank you for making me think about all the positive in it!

    1. I can be a hater during pregnancy too! I have to give myself these daily pep-talks because it really is hard stuff!

  2. This was written Absolutely Beautiful Krista.....congratulations to you and your family!!!

    1. Thank you Aaryn! I am so glad you found a minute to read it in you busy days!

  3. Krista I love reading your blogs. It gives me much inspiration in my life even though I am past the child bearing years but have many more nanna years left, Lord willing! All the small things we complain about when we should be thankful for all our blessings! Thanks for inspiring my day again!!!

    1. Oh thank you! I am so glad you can be inspired. Hopefully, I can look back at these posts and be renewed by them in my Nanna years.


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