
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rodeo (radio)

Pin It Two of my over-achieving sisters put on a rodeo every summer. 6 weeks in the summer... and my hubby and I do the concessions. Rodeo concessions are a very interesting phenomenon and deserve a post of their own (I am convinced it is something similar to the carnival lifestyle).

My boys are in love with the rodeos and Jackson can't seem to remember it is called a rodeo, he calls it the Radio. Spencer knows what he is talking about and they never miss a beat when Spencer is preparing for the Rodeo and Jack the Radio. My mom so lovingly took my boys to each show, helped them ride in their events and then sprayed off their layers of dirt around 10 p.m.

The horses are only one part of the fun, the other pull for the rodeo is that it is full of cousins and friends and it is a PARTY. There are treats, dirt, prizes, tractors, animals, four wheelers, late nights, and lots of wild little boys (and a few wild little girls in the making).

Thanks to my sister Laura for grabbing a couple shots for me while I slaved away behind the taco meat.

 Abigail was allowed one rodeo, but otherwise just the boys were enough for Nana to keep an eye on.

One of the favorite "best cousins" John Paul

My dirty, oldest child (with his shirt on backwards)

Another pull to the rodeos and Jack's "best cousin" David Roscoe

Uncle Chris leading Jack through the barrels

A very happy contestant

Spencer taking his turn with Uncle David

Just a few of the hooligans who run around the arena


  1. I would love for you to send me those pictures!! What a special time pappa and nanna horses and the cousins!

    1. Let me know who you are and I will send them to you! Ha.

  2. Krista, you silly girl, what are you doing running concessions just 6 days post-birth???

    1. I did not do the last show Sarah. My wonderful hubby did it all by himself (with a little help from my mom). I stayed home and rocked a beautiful baby.

    2. Ah, glad to hear it!! A VERY nice way to spend an evening. From the looks of it, too, it was JUST you and your beautiful baby, which must have been uniquely lovely.


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